1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, all services are carried out according to these General Terms and Conditions. The client approves these conditions with his order placement.

2. PRICES All prices are per item in Swiss Francs. The shipment within Switzerland will be free of charge. The prices applicable on the date when the order has been placed will apply to the products ordered by the customer.

3. PAYMENT CONDITIONS Payment can be made either by credit card, Paypal or advance payment. The products will be delivered after complete settlement of the bill.

4. SHIPMENT CONDITIONS Products will be shipped within 1-2 working days. The shipment conditions are non-binding.

5. PRODUCT AVAILABILITY If a product is sold out or not available at the moment, please contact Carlita's Collezione through contact@carlitas-collezione.com. We do everything possible to produce an extra item for you, unique and customized.

6. RECONSIGNMENT RIGHT All products can be returned within 5 working days (upon receipt of the product), provided that it is unused and in a perfect condition. Upon the return the amount paid will be returned to the customer. Mailing expenses for reconsignments have to be paid by the customer. Mailing address for reconsignments:Carlita's Collezione AG, Fadenstrasse 27, 6300 Zug, Switzerland.

7. DEFECTS If the products were damaged during shipment or in case of significant product defects, the customer shall inform Carlita's Collezione via e-mail (contact@carlitas-collezone.com) within 48 hours. In this case, the mailing costs of reconsignment will be taken over by Carlita's Collezione. Customers can choose to either get the amount of the purchase credited to the customer account or – if available – to receive a new product of the same kind.

8. DATA SECURITY By entering or using data in the database, the customer agrees to receive information for commercial or other purposes (via e-mail). The customer may cancel to receive such information at any time. All personal data are kept confidential. Carlita's Collezione is authorized to make data accessible to third parties only for the delivery or payment of the products according to these General Terms and Conditions (including but not limited to postal services, payment by credit card, with regard to legal or official instruction). Carlita's Collezione reserves the right to use anonymized data itself or forward this to third parties for statistical purposes.

9. PLACE OF JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAW Swiss substantive law is exclusively applicable. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, 1980 (CISG) is excluded. Place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Carlita's Collezione, cases of mandatory jurisdiction excepted.

10. MISCELLANEOUS Changes to these General Terms and Conditions are possible at any time. Every order complies with the status of the General Terms and Conditions that were in place at time of order. If any part of this Agreement is found partially or wholly invalid or unenforceable, that part will be amended to achieve as nearly as possible the same economic effect as the original provision and, the remainder of this Agreement, will remain in full force and effect. The German version prevails.

Zug, 8th August 2013